Ash Lyons is a DJ/Producer, age 14

Ash Lyons has played at a total of 6 venues. There have been 3 birthday parties, 2 sets at The Haromy Hut, and a middle school dance. He has mixed for Monstercat, a electronic music record label. He has been playing live for 1 year and has been a bedroom DJ for 2 years.

Ash has produced for indie artist Ian Kudzinowski. He has been making his own music for 2 years and has been released on 3 different record labels. His work has been recognized by Au5, DBR, The Diabolical Waffle, Fadent, Nolims, Darby, and many, many more. He recently just finished working with DJ Jordan Morris and is working with two other producers on new tracks coming out in the next month.

-Angela Brown